New to ATV ownership? Then you may want to check out our helpful tips for beginner ATV riders. While these machines may not seem complicated at first glance, they can be tough to get the hang of without someone there to guide you. To make sure you don’t crash your new vehicle before you even leave the garage, check out our helpful advice below. 

Get Familiar With Your Controls

If you’ve never ridden an ATV before, you may be pretty confused by all the different bells and whistles present on your dash. In order to get more familiar with your controls, we recommend taking some time to read your owner’s manual and get familiar with all of the different navigation tools available on your ATV. Afterward, take a moment to sit on your vehicle as if you were driving it and practice maneuvering the controls without looking away from the terrain in front of you. This will come in handy in the future when you need to pay close attention to obstacles and objects that appear in your path while you’re driving.

Practice on Easy Terrain

Before you make plans to hit any nearby nature trails or dirt racing arenas, take some time to practice riding your ATV on extremely easy terrain. ATVs are powerful vehicles, and it’s easy for new riders to underestimate their power in terms of speed and braking ability. To ensure you don’t go flying over the handlebars, we recommend finding an open field to practice accelerating, stopping, and making turns on our ATV. 

Looking for more helpful beginner tips for ATVs? Then consider stopping by our location here in Perris, CA to speak with one of our helpful staff! Our amazing employees here at Langston Motorsports are always happy to offer helpful tips on ATV care, controls, and gear, and we proudly serve the nearby areas of both Orange County and Temecula, CA.