If you’re planning on buying a UTV, we encourage you to take your model for a test drive! It’s a great way to see how your UTV handles and can help you avoid a bad case of buyer’s remorse. To learn how to set up a test drive, as well as what to watch for as you drive, take a look at our helpful guide below! If you’re still looking for your perfect UTV feel free to visit our location in Perris, California.

Setting Up an Appointment 

Unfortunately, test-driving a UTV isn’t as easy as test-driving a car. You can’t just show up to the dealership and ask a sales rep to take a UTV for a quick spin. You’ll need to call beforehand to set up an appointment, and you may even need to check if your dealership offers test drives at all. Your salesperson will also want to know the specific model you’re interested in testing, so you’ll need to have one in mind before you call. 

Your Experience Level

If you don’t have any experience driving a UTV, we advise you to be careful when out on your test drive. Take the drive slowly and steer carefully till you get comfortable with the controls. UTVs and other powersport vehicles tend to have impressive motors that first-time drivers can sometimes lose control of. Before you select a model to test drive, you might ask your salesperson about the UTV’s engine specs.

Equipment Issues

As you drive, you’ll want to pay close attention to how your UTV steers. Slipping, skidding, and over-pronounced bouncing, are all signs that your UTV may not be handling well, or that the suspension needs to be recalibrated. You’ll also want to try to stop and start regularly, to see how quickly your model can brake and accelerate.

If you’re located nearby in Temecula or Orange County, California we hope you’ll visit us here at Langston Motorsports. Feel free to take advantage of any of our helpful services, such as our on-site repairs or financing options!