Your motorcycle is important, both because it helps you get around and because it’s a reflection of you. As hard as it is to think about, it pays to plan ahead and find ways to prevent motorcycle theft so it can stay with its rightful owner. We here at Langston Motorsports want to help you keep what’s yours, so we’ve put together some tips on motorcycle security and theft prevention. To learn more, or to see the motorcycles and motorcycle accessories we have for sale, contact our store in Perris, California, today!

Planning Ahead

It might be exhausting, but your best defense is to stay wary and make your motorcycle difficult to steal. Potential thieves want something they can grab quickly and quietly to avoid attracting attention, so every obstacle you add makes your bike safer. Make it clear that your motorcycle is not an easy target from the get-go. 

Know Your Neighborhood

Different living situations unfortunately have different levels and types of theft risk. Apartment complexes tend to have higher rates of theft—more people pressed in together naturally means more people who might want or need to make a quick buck. It’s also a target-rich environment for non-resident thieves. 

Residential neighborhoods have lower theft rates, but that tends to get people relaxed and off their guard, which can be its own issue.

Physical Security Options

There are a number of physical and electronic security measures you can take. For physical options, you’ve got:

  • Steering locks, which locks the steering column to keep it from turning.
  • Disc locks connect to your disc brakes and prevent your wheels from spinning at all.
  • Saddlebag locks can protect the cargo you keep on your bike, including potentially expensive riding gear.
  • Chains, locks, and ground anchors can secure your motorcycle to the ground or a wall, keeping it where you leave it.

Electronic Security Options

Electronic options can also be useful, allowing less visible theft prevention methods. You might add an alarm, which can deter thieves by drawing attention to their theft. GPS tracking is a good addition to all of the above, as well. The tracking won’t prevent theft, but it’s a good way to make sure you can always get your bike back if worse comes to worst. It can provide real-time location information to local law enforcement, allowing them to recover your bike as soon as possible.

We hope these tips help you hold on to what’s yours! If you have any questions, or you’re interested in our inventory, contact us at Langston Motorsports. We proudly serve the people of Temecula and Orange County, California—let us serve you today!