Owning a motorcycle in California is the dream—it never gets cold enough that winter storage becomes a necessity! However, you may still find yourself riding in near-freezing temperatures, which high speeds and wind can make worse, so it’s good to be prepared. Besides, if you plan on biking anywhere colder, it’s good to know how to handle it beforehand. We here at Langston Motorsports believe in planning ahead, so we’ve put together some tips for riding your motorcycle in cold weather, below. To learn more, or to see the motorcycles we have for sale, contact our store in Perris, California, today!

The Right Gear

Motorcycle safety gear is a well-discussed topic, but when you’re zooming along on a cold, cloudy day, there’s a new safety concern: keeping warm. Wind chill and winter temperatures can still combine to chill you to the bone, even in the Golden State. 

Layers are your best defense here. They help keep you insulated, and also give you the option to add or remove a layer if you get too cold or too warm. Start with a thermal underlayer, followed by a layer of fleece or wool. Your normal riding jacket and pants will be fine on top of that, but investing in something waterproof can be a big help.

Finally, you’ll want to consider a neckerchief, well-insulated but flexible gloves, and warm boots and socks. 

Tire Check

You probably don’t need to worry about black ice in our area, but cold weather can still impact your tires. Cold air tends to cause your tire pressure to decrease, so you may need to fill them up a bit more—for every 10 degrees the weather drops, expect to lose one or two psi. Check your tire pressure before every ride to get an accurate feel for where it’s at.

Self Care

Cold weather can also be harsh on the human body, so make sure to eat healthy, well-rounded meals when you plan on any lengthy rides. You also need to stay hydrated—food and water keep your body fueled and limber, and skipping meals or drinking too little can leave you woozy and fatigued. When and where necessary, pull over and spend the night at a motel to avoid exhaustion.

Watch the Road

Finally, even without ice and snow on every road, it’s important to keep an eye on road conditions when riding your bike. Weather patterns are never quite predictable, so make sure to check the weather before every ride. Wind storms, heavy rain, or icy and snowy conditions might mean you need another method of transportation. Also keep an eye on fellow drivers!

We hope these tips help you ride safely during the colder months. To learn more, or to see the motorcycles we have available, contact us at Langston Motorsports. We proudly serve the people of Temecula and Orange County, California—let us serve you today!